My neighbour is the best ever. He spends hours every month on his knees with all these tools from the shopping network that never work, ripping and sweating and cussing his mortal enemy...dandelions. Every good citizen does it.
Then I was thinking how lucky we are we don't have the neighbour from Hell across town who never even cuts his lawn. He just sowed a 25 pound bag of wildflower seeds. So irresponsible, right?
When his wildflowers hit 3 feet, 500 complaints rolled in to town hall...and the town said you cut or the town will cut and add the cost to your taxes. Wildflower/weeds/dandelions, all the same.
HA! We got him!
That's when it hit me like a 250,000 volt shock! Like if you took the back off your old broken TV set and electrocuted yourself. BAMM. (NEVER do that by the way)
BAMM again, My pea brain brain went into spin cycle, wildflowers/bees/honey/pollination/sustainability/dandelion wine from the flower/new dandelion leaves for salads/dandelion roots for tea and herbs"
Dandelions are not the enemy! The whole plant is a treasure...even the bees know that.
A Dandelion Moment.
I laughed outloud about your dandelion warrior. My dad used to send me out with a dandelion crowbar. I think my going rate was one shiny penny per excavation... only if you got the whole root. When God created the dandelion and those little seed parachutes, I think he intended for us to all have dandelions growing in our yards. I bet we'll discover one day that they cure cancer... and every other disease! Off to look this up.
Miss Muse. Thanks for coming into my dandelion zone, lol.
I was already taking excess space making a eureka point so I backspaced out of the ending which went like this:
If I get rich one day I will buy 100 acres of fallow farming land, way down some back sideroad. On it will grow a 25 pound bag of select wildflower seeds and all the dandelions already there and more that come in on the wind. On white parachutes.
There will be a sign on the fence "Please come in and pick some dandelions for wine or salad or tea. Kick any puffy seedlings into the wind. Take home a few wildflowers"
Hey, if they do find the cure, the 100 acres will be good to go full time on a moments notice. Imagine, just imagine.
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