Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monsanto Takes Over The World

Hey Monsanto, NYSE (MON) Who made you God anyway?



You took the real God's grain and wildflower and other seedstock of the world, genetically altered it, applied for patents and made it your own.

Who authorized Monsanto to do that? Oh right, the courts, silly me. Did you ask God? Duh?. No. Big mistake.

So if we save seeds from crops under Monsanto's control, we are in patent violation.
OMG Patent violation.
It's printed on all the packages.
Who owns all the seed houses now. Monsanto.
Who initiates legal battles with the worlds farmers and forces them out of farming and off the land. Monsanto.

Monsanto, shame on you. You have no rights here at all. None.

Just so you know...your generic alteration authorizations and patents are deeply flawed and invalid. God's custody prevails, not yours. Screw the courts.

Read the link above and the links within that link.

I hate you. Me and Willy Nelson. We both hate you. Look what you did to him.

Everyone hates you.

Shame on you again.

Are you coming to plow my offensive illegal garden under now?


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